Benefits of
Service Dog Training at Puptown Seattle
Members of the Puptown Seattle team teach dog owners on the importance of dog training. Service dog training for people with special needs is one of our specializations. We aim to aid owners and their pets in living healthier and happier lives. Our team works relentlessly to improve people’s perceptions of dog ownership in order to foster a stronger link between family and canine.
One of the highlights of our training is that all of our employees own dogs. They are aware of how you want your dog to be handled. Our expertise places us at the cutting edge of service dog training in the Seattle area. Call or set up an appointment to visit us today to visit our facility.
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What does it take?
We train your extraordinary dogs to improve the lives of individuals with impairments. Our team has the experience and skill sets to help you and your partner form a special connection of love and understanding. Once trained, your dog will provide you movement and freedom like you’ve never had before. Your bond will develop into one of mutual respect and a productive relationship.
Your dog will master and learn to respond to a variety of commands that you will use on a daily basis. You two will be able to roam about more freely and visit more sites than ever before, including:
- Increased shopping experiences
- Recreation and leisure activities
- Visiting family and friends
- Attending social events and church
- Getting to the doctor and pharmacy
Your companion dog will transform into an angel. Your relatives and friends will be astounded by your increased mobility and freedom.
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What does it take?
Who qualifies for a service dog?
Anyone with a physical or developmental handicap whose life might be improved by using an aid dog. Interaction with a therapy dog may also assist individuals who work for organizations that offer physical or mental health treatment to clients. A therapy dog, on the other hand, is not a service dog. Due to the duration of training required for service dogs, Puptown only accepts a limited number of applicants each year. Puptown Seattle collaborates with grant programs that will pay for the pup and service dog training for injured veterans, emts, and first responders. If you or someone you know suffers from anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, mobility issues, or other problems and are a veteran, police officer, or other first responder, Puptown Seattle will offer all training and identify an appropriate dog at no cost.
How much does it cost?
Puptown Seattle works with grant programs who provide service dog training to veterans, first responders and emts at no cost to them. There is a application process as we can only train so many dogs a year. For those who do not fall under these terms, Puptown Seattle offers a discounted monthly training rate, financing, and assistance with funding. Normal costs of obtaining and training a service dog can range from $30,000-$50,000. Puptown Seattle discounted service dog programs typically cost $10,000-$15,000. Contact us for more details in regards to funding, financing, and other assistance programs we offer.
Do I need to apply for a service dog?
Puptown Seattle does not presently have a formal application procedure. However, people interested in acquiring a service dog or having their present dog trained must first schedule an interview to discuss training objectives, requirements, and interest.
How long does it take to train a service dog?
The time required to train a service dog is determined by the dog’s age, the precise activities that the dog must learn, and the dog’s learning aptitude. Puptown Seattle likes to be able to assist in the selection of a dog for service work, but we recognize that this is not always feasible since you may already have a dog. Not every dog can finish service dog training or achieve the specific objectives you want. An adult dog with existing obedience skill sets need at least 3 months of instruction. Typical time spans range from 6 months to a year.
Are there disabilities for which you do not provide services?
We do not presently offer dogs for individuals who are deaf, blind, or need canines that can detect. However, we can provide dogs seizure response dogs, mobility assistance dogs, PTSD dogs, and more. Please contact us for further details.
We Love To
Create a Win-Win Situation for Everyone
Because we treat each dog as a unique, you will receive the outcomes you want. We will assess your pet and devise a strategy to help you attain your training objectives. We’ve structured our strategy on three fundamental ideas that have proven to be effective again and again. They are as follows:
Timing – We educate you and your dog to correlate a behavior with the consequences of that activity. If you wait too long to praise a desirable behavior, your dog will not understand what he is being commended for. It should arrive in 1.3 seconds.
Consistency – You will learn what it means to be consistent with clear communication. Every time your dog exhibits a noteworthy behavior, you must respond in the same manner. This is how he receives the message.
Motivation – Motivation is whatever you do to affect your dog’s decision-making. You provide positive encouragement by praising, caressing, or offering a reward. Negative incentive is achieved by ignoring the behavior, withholding petting, or strongly stating no.
Understanding your dog and implementing proper training techniques can help you achieve the objectives you need to improve your life. Puptown Seattle is ready to serve you. Please contact us as soon as possible.