
Three Behavioral Traits to Work out of Your Small Dog

Small dogs can be the perfect companions for a large segment of the population.  If you cannot handle a medium to large dog, don’t have much space, want to potty train your pup to “go” indoors, or simply prefer a smaller dog, you have countless options when it comes to choosing your furbaby.  Yet while small dogs do have their upsides, they also have some very specific behavioral problems.

Woodlands professional dog trainer

No matter how young, old, stubborn, dominant, or even aggressive your dog might be, a Woodlands professional dog trainer can help your pup overcome these undesirable traits.  If you live in or near The Woodlands, TX you are luck:  Puptown and our dog training specialists is here to help.  If you have any questions please call us, drop by, or head over to our website.

Our training approach is a little different as we understand that no two dogs are alike thus obedience training cannot have a “one size fits all approach”.  Puptown develops a training program per dog to offer a customized, specialized approach per student.  This gives better results and helps the training stay with the dog.  We also train pet parents to help them train their dogs.  Training does not stop when the session is over, it must continue at home for long-term results.  Here are three specific behavioral problems in small dogs and examples of what Puptown can help pups overcome.

Small Dog Syndrome

Small dog syndrome is not as much one behavior as it is a set of unwanted behaviors displayed by small dogs who want to show people and other animals that they are the boss.  Luckily this “disorder” is easy to treat and does not include medications, treatment procedures, or trips to the vet.  The solution is to take your small pup to dog training experts.

This malaise can include behaviors such as jumping on people, begging for food, assuming the most comfortable place on an owner’s bed, demanding attention, insisting on going through doors first, pulling on a leash or refusing to walk on a leash, nipping at people’s heels, refusing to obey commands that have been mastered, barking or whining at a person, sleeping on the highest perch that can be found, displaying separation anxiety, jumping into laps uninvited, and growling or barking at other dogs and/or people.

If a small dog shows some or all of these problems, it is because their owners have chosen to allow them to do so.  In all honesty, some of these behaviors might be considered cute in a small dog while completely unacceptable (and dangerous) in a larger breed.  Many small dog owners think of these breeds as infants, especially ones that are ten pounds or less fully grown.  The behaviors which fall under small dog syndrome prompt owners to comfort their dogs as they would a child.  This is a textbook example of why pet parents need training themselves in order to properly train their dogs.


Woodlands professional dog trainerAlmost all dogs vocalize, usually by howling, barking, or whining.  Little dogs are known for being “yappy”, which can become a significant nuisance for owners and those around them.  Dogs most commonly bark as a warning or alert, out of playfulness and excitement, to get attention, out of anxiety or boredom, or in response to other dogs.  As you can see, several of these causes can be directly correlated to small-dog syndrome.  Before this habit can be broken, it is imperative to understand why your dog is excessively barking.  Once the cause has been established, the proper training to end this habit can begin.


Digging can not only be a nuisance, it can also be very dangerous.  If your dog digs up your carpet this is an annoying and expensive problem, but if your dog digs its way out of the back yard, this could have very severe consequences.  Digging is a particular issue with small dog breeds such as terriers, who have been bred for centuries to burrow into the ground to help hunt for other animals.

Since this is a deep instinct for dozens of breeds, it is a behavior which must be altered.  When a dog does not seem to care where it is digging and doing so for no apparent reason, this is usually due to boredom or excess energy, anxiety or fear, seeking comfort, hiding things like bones or toys, or to enter/exit a place.  Just like other bad behaviors, Puptown can help to quell this problem, even if it is partially instinct.  So no matter what the problem is or how severe, our trainers can help dogs overcome them in order to become well-mannered canine citizens.


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