3 Factors That Affect Puppy Behavior
Here at Puptown Houston, TX we understand that various behaviors can provide additional training challenges with your new puppy. Our puppy training specialist specialize in behavior-based, and positive reinforcement training. So, not only can we help identify these behaviors we can help your pup overcome them. It’s all about consistency and communication, and not just for the dogs. We also train a dog’s hooman to help them work with their canine companion when not at Puptown for optimal results. So, let’s talk about the factors that affect puppy behavior.
Here are three common behavioral issues that need to be addressed immediately in dogs and especially puppies:
Fears and Phobias
Fear is a normal response to a perceived threat, while anxiety is a reaction to fear and agitation. Anxiety can cause apprehension when a dog anticipates a threat. Phobias are exaggerated fears often linked to loud noises like thunderstorms, fireworks, and gunshots. Some fears, such as going to the vet or outdoors, can become phobias.
Common fears include fear of other dogs, unfamiliar people, and strange noises. Fear of other dogs and people can be overcome with careful socialization. Puptown specializes in socialization training, exposing dogs to various places and situations. This helps dogs understand their surroundings, reducing fears as they learn that sounds and people are generally not harmful.
Separation Anxiety
Correcting this behavior is challenging but possible. Some dog breeds, such as German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Border Collies, and Cocker Spaniels, are more prone to separation anxiety. These breeds are also among the most popular in the United States. About 14% of dogs experience separation anxiety, defined as the inability to find comfort when separated from family members.
This behavior is easier to address in puppies by leaving them alone in a safe place regularly. This doesn’t mean unsupervised, but giving them time to themselves in a pleasant environment like their crate or playpen with plenty of toys. This approach also helps with crate training, as the crate should be seen as a safe place. Addressing separation anxiety is crucial as it can lead to physical destruction, extreme vocalization, and restlessness.
Repetitive Behaviors
Repetitive behaviors in dogs can indicate compulsive disorders or other abnormal pathologies. German Shepherds may spin and chase their tails, while Dobermans often suck on their flanks. This behavior might signal frustration or conflict, which can be alleviated by establishing a daily routine. Consistent training is crucial for treating these behaviors. A set schedule helps dogs know what to expect, allowing them to learn positive repetitive behaviors to replace undesirable ones.
When you get a dog, especially a puppy, please be aware of the responsibility you have taken up. You will need to teach your furbaby good manners, how to follow basic commands, potty train them, and just teach your dog how to be an overall good canine citizen.