How To Teach Your Dog The Shake Hands Trick


How to Teach Your Dog the Shake Hands Trick

Teaching your dog to shake hands is a fun and rewarding experience that strengthens your bond while enhancing their ability to follow commands. Not only is this trick a crowd-pleaser, but it’s also a great introduction to more advanced training techniques. Follow these simple steps to teach your pup the shake hands trick effectively.


1. Build a Strong Foundation

Before introducing the shake command, ensure your dog has mastered basic obedience skills like “sit” and “stay.” These foundational commands improve communication and make training smoother.


2. Get Your Dog’s Attention

Use your dog’s name, a favorite toy, or a training clicker to capture their focus. Treats can be helpful but avoid giving one until your dog completes the behavior you’re teaching.


3. Start with the Sit Position

Ask your dog to sit. If they’re still learning this command, guide them by holding a treat above their nose and moving it slightly back to encourage a sitting posture. Once they sit, reward them with praise or a treat.


4. Introduce the Paw Motion

While your dog is sitting, hold a treat in your closed hand at their chest level. Say “shake” as you gently tap one of their paws or wait for them to lift it naturally in an attempt to reach the treat.


5. Mark and Reward the Behavior

As soon as your dog raises their paw, use a clicker or verbal praise like “yes!” and immediately reward them. Repeat this step several times until your dog consistently offers their paw when you say “shake.”


6. Add Consistency and Variations

Once your dog understands the command, switch hands or vary the position of your hand to ensure they’re responding to the verbal cue rather than specific movements.


7. Phase Out the Treats

Gradually reduce the use of treats as your dog masters the behavior. Start by rewarding them every other time they shake and eventually transition to occasional treats paired with verbal praise.


8. Practice and Reinforce

Consistency is key! Practice the shake command daily to solidify the trick. You can even add variations, such as shaking with the opposite paw or holding their paw longer to increase their focus.


Why Teach Your Dog Tricks?

Trick training goes beyond fun—it boosts your dog’s mental stimulation, strengthens obedience, and builds trust. Shake hands is an excellent starting point for teaching other tricks like “high five” or “wave.”


Ready to level up your dog’s skills? At Puptown Houston, we specialize in teaching dogs tricks that are both entertaining and practical. Contact us today to schedule a session and start your pup’s training journey!