When it comes to the world of dogs, some breeds stand out not just for their size but also for their gentle nature and rich history. If you’re considering adding a large dog to your family, it’s essential to understand their characteristics, care requirements, and the commitment involved. Here are five of the largest dog breeds:
English Mastiff
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The English Mastiff is renowned for its impressive size and gentle demeanor. Males typically weigh between 160 to 230 pounds and stand about 30 inches tall at the shoulder. Historically, they were used as guard dogs, but today, they’re known for their loyalty and affectionate nature. Despite their formidable appearance, English Mastiffs are gentle giants who thrive on human companionship.
Great Dane
Photo by George Pagan III
Often referred to as the “Apollo of dogs,” the Great Dane combines elegance with size. Males can weigh up to 175 pounds and stand over 30 inches tall. Originally bred in Germany for hunting large game, Great Danes are now cherished for their friendly and gentle temperament, making them excellent family companions.
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Newfoundlands are large working dogs, with males weighing between 130 to 150 pounds and standing up to 28 inches tall. They were originally bred to assist Canadian fishermen, pulling nets and performing water rescues. Known for their gentle temperament and swimming abilities, Newfoundlands are often referred to as “gentle giants.”
Saint Bernard
Photo by Vlad Rudkov
Originating from the Swiss Alps, Saint Bernards were developed to locate and rescue travelers lost in snow and avalanches. These powerful dogs can weigh between 140 to 180 pounds and stand up to 30 inches tall. Known for their friendly expression and gentle nature, Saint Bernards are patient and great with children, making them wonderful family pets.
Irish Wolfhound
© Nadine Haase – stock.adobe.com
The Irish Wolfhound holds the title for the tallest dog breed, with males reaching at least 32 inches in height and weighing between 140 to 180 pounds. These dogs were initially bred in Ireland for hunting wolves and large game. Known for their gentle and noble demeanor, Irish Wolfhounds make excellent companions.
These five dog types are among the largest in the dog world. Though each is distinctive, they have a reputation for being kind and loving. Make sure you have the room and time to properly care for a big dog before getting one. These large breeds may make fantastic pets if given the right attention and training.